How does "tox" work?

Botulinumtoxin-A, commonly referred to by the trade name "Botox" is a neurotoxic protein that prevents muscle contraction. Injected in small amounts to the upper face by a licensed medical professional, botulinumtoxin prevents the muscle contractions (such as raising the forehead or furrowing the brow) that cause wrinkles.

It is important to understand, however, that there are two types of wrinkles/lines in the skin: dynamic (active) and static (present at rest). Dynamic wrinkles are those that are caused when facial muscles are contracted, or moving. These movements are decreased with botox, preventing the lines from becoming deeper. Static lines are those that are etched in the face over time and cannot be eliminated with botox use alone.

While static wrinkles cannot be erased by botox there are a number of other cosmetic procedures that can signiifcantly minimalize or even eliminate these wrinkles. Skin peels, microneedling, and microdermabrasion (used alone or in combination) are treatment options that have been proven to provide excellent results, especially when coupled with a medical grade skin care regimen. Talk to your aesthetic practitioner about which treatment is best for your needs. 

Are tox injections painful?

Most people tolerate tox injections well, with minimal discomfort. Some injection sites may be more sensitive than others but any discomfort is typically gone as soon as the injection is complete. Certain physiologic factors, such as the phase of one's menstrual cycle, may make certain parts of the face more sensitive during certain times of the month. If you're still concerned, talk with your aesthetic practitioner about ways to minimize discomfort. 

How many units do I need?

Many clients ask how many units of tox they will need. While every person is unique in the strength of their muscles and rate at which they metabolize tox,  you should anticipate requiring anywhere from 30-50 units on your first visit. If you're diligent about returning as soon as you begin to see muscle movement (rather than waiting for all movement to return), touch-ups typically require fewer units. See our "gallery" section for a diagram outlining average units of tox needed for various facial regions.

** Update: Because we found that so many clients were bargaining for fewer units to save money (and thus, not getting the results they desired) we are now charging per area rather than per unit. Prices are based on the average client's average need/spend. What does this mean for you? Pricing is transparent (there are no surprises!) and you get the result you desire (let us worry about the units!). 

How often will I need tox injections?

Every body metabolizes tox differently, which means that there is no set time interval that you will need to return for more. A good general rule is 8-12 weeks, understanding that this time interval may be different for everyone. Touch-ups to the original injection are provided free of charge if at the 14-day mark you are still having undesired movement. This benefit is forfeited if you wait longer to return. Be sure to reach out to your medical aesthetician as soon as you begin to notice muscular movement is returning to ensure you can get on the schedule before effects fully wear off. 

Are tox injections only for women?

Absolutely not! Most anyone can benefit from wrinkle relaxation or preventative tox. We have several male clients who see us regularly to treat current problem areas  and prevent new wrinkle development. Tox can also be used to control excessive sweating or "hyperhydrosis" which affects men as well as women. 

I can get botox for $8 a unit somewhere else- why should I come to you?

Cheaper isn't necessarily better but it also doesn't have to mean diluted or lower quality. Some companies such as big chains or plastic surgery offices that make the bulk of their money elsewhere use botox etc injections as what's called a "loss leader"- meaning they can afford to heavily discount it to get people in the door who will then spend more on other things. They're not dependent on making a profit like smaller companies for whom every dollar counts. Prices are then up to the provider/business, but remember that you're not just paying for the product but for their time and expertise. Rather than shopping for the lowest price try looking for who is most qualified (and has the best reviews)-  you'll more than likely be happier with the experience and your results.

How far ahead of my big event should I book my appointments?

Book as soon as you know you want to come in and, if you are in a position to do so, book your return appointment at the end of each session. Depending on the services and results you seek, if you are planning for a big event you should plan to book at least 3 months ahead, and allowing for 2 weeks of skin rest and recovery before the big day. The exception to this rule is DermaSweep, which may be safely performed as late as the day of your event. 

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a combination of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glucine, and has been referred to as the “mother of all antioxidants”. Antioxidants repair and prevent the damage and inflammation that is caused by toxins. When we our bodies are exposed to toxins, glutathione is used up faster than it can be produced. This is where glutathione supplementation can be helpful.

The most effective way to enhance glutathione levels is to receive regular glutathione injections. Taking glutathione by mouth is less effective because the digestion process severely decreases its beneficial properties.

Because glutathione injections work by eliminating free radicals and toxins that can lead to hyperpigmentation, age spots, wrinkles, and acne, receiving regular glutathione injections may reduce minor skin imperfections and improve skin tone, resulting in an overall lighter and brighter complexion.

Recommended dosing frequency is 3 times per week with maximum benefit typically seen after at least 3 weeks of treatment. Efficacy of the injections depends on dosing and frequency, duration of treatment, your overall health, and your body’s metabolism.

How do memberships work?

Memberships are a great way to save money on all of your skincare, medical aesthetic, laser, and body sculpting services. One low monthly payment gives you access to all of your membership benefits for one year. Continue indefinitely if you like, and upgrade anytime.

Membership billing and benefits may start on either the 1st or the 15th of the month and contnue for a period of 12 months. 

What's the fine print?

**Fine Print:
1. Memberships hold no dollar value in themselves. Funds are not transferable toward any other service.
2. Membership benefit must be used monthly or it is lost; dollar value/services do not accrue.
3. In case of cancellation prior to the completion of the 12 month membership commitment, client is responsible for the full cost of services received, less the membership fee already paid.
4. Two valid forms of payment are required.
5. Treating provider reserves the right to say, "enough is enough" and to set appropriate timelines. These decisions are always made with your best interest in mind- we're here to maximize your results, not jeopardize your safety or make you look ridiculous ;)

What is microneedling?

Because your safety is our first priority, at ALLYN aesthetics & wellness we only use SkinPen by Bellus Medical, the first and only FDA-cleared microneedling device.

Microneedling causes tiny ("micro") injuries to both the surface and deeper layers of the skin, stimulating your body’s natural wound healing processes, while minimizing cellular damage. This process of injuring and then repairing the skin results in restructuring and remodeling of irregularities in the skin such as scar tissue. And, while microneedling was originally used for scar reduction, it can also greatly minimize fine lines, large pores, and discoloration.

There are three phases of this process:

          1. Inflammation is triggered by repeatedly puncturing the skin causes small injuries sends the body's immune system into action. Chemical mediators are sent to the site of injury to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and begin to create new tissue.

          2. Proliferation is when injured tissue is then rebuilt by granulation cells (part of the extracellular matrix) and angiogenesis (development of new blood vessels) occurs. These additional vessels allow for increased blood flow and oxygenation to the healing tissue.

          3. Remodeling occurs when the injured tissue is replaced by new, healthy skin and blood vessels. What then emerges is smoother, healthier, and more radiant tissue. 

My esthetician does microneedling and charges less- why should I come to you?

While aestheticians can perform microneedling, their scope of practice limits the depth at which the needle can penetrate. This may be effective for fine lines on the surface of the skin, however  this is not typically sufficient to correct deeper lines and scars. In order to penetrate the deeper levels of the dermis to reach and release the fibrous tissue that holds scars in place, needling needs to occur at depths that only a medical professional is qualified to perform. Additionally, it is important to ask your provider- whether aesthetician or medical professional- what equipment they use to protect your health and safety. Providers at  ALLYN aesthetics & wellness use SkinPen- the only FDA-approved microneedling device. For this reason, cost of service is reflective of both the level of education, training, and specialized skill needed to perform this depth of microneedling, as well as use of only the best and safest equipment and after care products.

I have a needling roller at home- isn't that good enough?

In order for microneedling to truly be effective the needles must penetrate the topmost layers of skin (epidermis) and reach the deeper layers of the dermis. 

What are PDO threads and how do they work?

Polydiaxonone (PDO) threads are degradable suture material that has long been FDA approved for use in cardiovascular surgery. In 2015, the FDA approved the same suture for aesthetic treatments. A single thread is inserted into either a needle or a cannula during the manufacturing process and then sterilized. A single needle or cannula (thread) is individually inserted into the dermis and upon removal of the needle or cannula, the thread remains in place. Depending on the type of thread used (smooth, twisted or barbed), the thread is either left in place to promote collagen production or is pulled in an intended direction to produce a lifted appearance.

What are PDO threads and how do they work?

Polydiaxanone (PDO) threads are degradable suture material that has long been FDA approved for use in cardiovascular surgery. In 2015, the FDA approved the same suture for aesthetic treatments. A single thread is inserted into either a needle or a cannula during the manufacturing process and then sterilized. A single needle or cannula (thread) is individually inserted into the dermis and upon removal of the needle or cannula, the thread remains in place. Depending on the type of thread used (smooth, twisted or barbed), the thread is either left in place to promote collagen production or is pulled in an intended direction to produce a lifted appearance.

I heard that my face may be red or bruised for a few days after my treatment- is this true?

While all of the procedures we perform at ALLYN aesthetics & wellness are generally considered safe and non-invasive, there may be some localized redness, swelling, and bruising to the face after microneedling, microdermabrasion, botox, fillers, and use of the Plasma Pen.

You can minimize the risk of bleeding and bruising by limiting your use of NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naprosyn) and alcohol in the days leading up to your procedure. Using ice and or arnica gel after your procedure can also help minimize swelling and bruising. Your aesthetic clinician will discuss this with you as part of the education and consent process prior to treatment. 

I've heard of PRP but what's PRF?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) are both components of your blood that can be used to heal and repair skin imperfections and improve tissue volume. PRF is thought of by many as the "next generation of PRP" because it's effects have shown to be far superior to those of PRP.  Fibrin, one of the body's many clotting factors, creates a spongy matrix, much like scaffolding, upon which new and healthy tissue can grow. Chock full of growth factors, stem cells, and inflammatory mediators that stimulate healing and growth, PRF has been likened to the fountain of youth for its anti-aging effects.

Many people opt for PRF facial volumization because effects are achieved with a natural product derived from one's own blood rather than injecting a foreign substance as is found in many commercial fillers. However, it is important to understand that the effects of PRF volumization are more subtle than those achieved with filler use. Usinf PRF is a great way to get a feel for what filler can do for your problem areas without committing to the longer-term effects of most other fillers. It is also a great way to give your entire face a youthful refresh!

The procedure begins with taking a blood sample (typically 2-4 vials depending on the intended use), and spinning the blood in a centrifuge to separate the different components. The PRF will then be drawn up into a syringe for use during your treatment. If spot-treating skin imperfections the PRF will be injected into those sites using a small needle. Similar injections will be made for volumization or filling of tear troughs, cheeks, and lips, although a larger volume of PRF will be injected into those areas. If using with microneedling, the PRF will be used much like a serum, applied topically to the skin and "needled" in using the handheld microneedling device. 

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive treatment cleared by the FDA for lifting annd tightening the skin on the neck, chin, and brow, and improving lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. Ultherapy uses microfocused ultrasound to lift and tighten loose skin over time, without any downtime.

How is Ultherapy different from other cosmetic procedures?

Ultherapy is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure that uses focused ultrasound to stimulate the formation of new collagen deep below the skin’s surface. The production of new collagen takes time, so results can become more apparent over 2 to 3 months, even up to 6 months. The procedure takes about 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the area treated, and there is no downtime afterward. It also is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows practitioners to actually see the layers of tissue targeted during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely where it will be most beneficial.

What does Ultherapy feel like? Is it painful?

As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you may feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths, stimulating the collagen-building process. Comfort levels vary from person to person, but the sensation only lasts while the ultrasound energy is being delivered.

Most patients report that the procedure is quite tolerable. If and when any discomfort does occur, it happens while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. We take measures to make the experience as pleasant as possible, and patients tell us they leave comfortable and excited about the benefits to come.

How long do Ultherapy results last?

Since the procedure stimulates a person’s own collagen production, how long the results last depends on the individual. The treatment produces new collagen on the inside, but the individual’s natural aging process will dictate how long that translates into visible results on the outside. Future touch-up treatments can help provide more control over the aging process, which varies by individual.

Are there any side effects to Ultherapy?

There may be slight redness that typically resolves within a few hours following the treatment. Some patients may have slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to the touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature. A full list of potential side effects are listed in the Ultherapy Instructions For Use (IFU).

Is Ultherapy safe?

Ultherapy is a proven treatment with a well-established safety profile. It is currently marketed worldwide in more than 75 countries, with over 1.5 million treatments performed globally to date. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.

How many Ultherapy treatments will I need?

The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one  treatment depending on how much skin laxity they have and their body’s own biological response to the ultrasound and the collagen building process. Follow-up Ultherapy treatments each year may help maintain results.

What is collagen and how does Ultherapy help?

Collagen is a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firm and toned. As we age, collagen breaks down, and the result is a loss of skin strength and elasticity. Ultherapy uses microfocused ultrasound to generate a thermal effect under the skin. The thermal effect essentially jump-starts a process that produces fresh, new collagen.

Who is a good candidate for Ultherapy?

A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with skin that has some degree of laxity, to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. Loose skin under the neck and under the chin, or lines and wrinkles on the upper chest are signals a patient might be a candidate.

Typically, those in their 30s and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates. While Ultherapy is not a replacement for a surgical facelift, there are many people who want some facial lifting but are not ready for surgery, whether mentally, physically, or financially. There also are younger adults who want to “stay ahead of the game,” as well as patients wanting an aesthetic maintenance option.

How is Ultherapy different from laser?

Ultherapy uses sound energy — tried-and-true ultrasound — which has unique properties that allow it to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. Ultherapy ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation, resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over two to three months. Some lasers rely on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers. Typically, laser treatments also only treat superficial skin and are not FDA-cleared to lift skin.